Thursday, January 19, 2012

Origami decor

Ever since watching Between The Folds, I've been subconsciously on the lookout for origami-like trends in design. 

Although there is no shortage of paper-based products out there, I was impressed by the scrappy use of cardboard waste in the case of 'pupa', created by Liam Hopkins of Lazerian Installed inside the London offices of Bloomberg, the structure was made entirely of the company's cardboard waste - including the tabletop. Even the chairs were made from recycled wood and leather pieces from Bloomberg's storage. 

Doesn't it look warm and inviting compared to the surrounding office space? I'd just add a few fluffy rugs and settle right in with my laptop.

Images : Liam Hopkins via designboom

These shapely seats, by the same designer, definitely fit the theme. They look surprisingly robust, though I'd imagine leaning back might be risky...
Images: Liam Hopkins and Richard Sweeney via designboom

On the more intricate end of the origami-design spectrum are some incredible works by artists like Ingrid Siliakus or Valérie Buess:

Images : © ingrid siliakus via designboom

Images : valérie buess via designboom

These would certainly make for very dramatic if delicate decor pieces, to hang on a wall or from the ceiling.

But I'm thinking the magic moment happens when paper or cardboard is lit up in the right way, especially from behind or within - i.e. the appeal of paper lanterns. I can only imagine how fantastic a structure like the 'pupa' office cave would look at night, lit up only on the inside, maybe with some small perforations in the surface. Or a lantern version of Ingrid's paper city casting patterns onto a nearby wall.

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